My Blog
Self-Defense Tip – One minute to master
Hi friends, FYI - last week's voting results showed your favorite apocalypse as a group was . . . drumroll: Plagues - Natural or Man-made (Natural disasters were a close second.) I'll make sure to sprinkle some of both liberally in the back story and history segments...
What’s your favorite way for the world to end?
Hi friends, First of all, thank you to everyone who has shared my website with friends so they can sign up for my newsletter and get a free book. It makes a huge difference to an author just starting out like me! Second, I'm curious about your favorite apocalypse...
Do these things in Hunger Games bother you too?
Hi there, I'm so excited to have people reading my books and chatting with me via email. Feel free to comment and tell me what you like or don't like about my stories - or just say hi. 🙂 Writing Update: I'm halfway through the first draft of Book #4 and Kiriai...
A crazy new author!
I haven't published a book yet, so don't bother checking on Amazon. I'm a new author and a bit crazy. 🙂 I decided it would be a good idea to outline and write a seven book young adult dystopic fantasy series. My idea is to finish most of the books so that when I...