by docmisty | Nov 6, 2021 | Dystopia Fiction, Herbal Medicine, Medical, Post Apocalyptic Fiction, Preparedness, Updates
Hi friends, So Covid finally hit us, but thankfully only a mild version! While I was in Utah, my teenage son had two friends over for his birthday, only to find out that one boy’s father felt bad that evening and eventually both the father, the son and then one...
by docmisty | Oct 30, 2021 | Preparedness, Self-Defense, Updates
Hi friends, Wow! I’m loving being a grandma, but I kind of forgot how tiring the interrupted sleep thing is. LOL. Turns out sleep math is strange. 2 hours of sleep plus 3 hours of sleep plus another 3 hours is NOT the same as 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a...
by docmisty | Oct 14, 2021 | Post Apocalyptic Fiction, Preparedness, Updates
Hi friends, First, a big thank you to everyone who clicked the “Helpful” button on Deadly Lockdown’s positive reviews and both Wynona and Hlsabine who gave the book two really nice reviews: Wynona: “This book is action packed and hard to pause...
by docmisty | Sep 4, 2021 | Medical, Preparedness, Updates
Hi friends, I hope you’re enjoying the tail end of summer with your friends and family! With school starting for many, this can be a hectic time of year. I’ve got kids starting college classes, the younger ones dragging their feet a bit with homeschool...
by docmisty | Aug 7, 2021 | Herbal Medicine, Post Apocalyptic Fiction, Preparedness, Updates
Hi friends, First a big thanks to everyone for helping our book 2, Deadly Escape get a fancy #1 New Release banner in the Infectious Disease category. And special thanks to the eight people who gave us the crucial reviews a brand-new book needs, like: Scott:...
by docmisty | Jun 26, 2021 | Post Apocalyptic Fiction, Preparedness
Hi friends, Two more weeks until Searching for Resistance comes out! We’re pretty excited! Searching for Resistance: Aftermath #5 And for those who like a complete series, the final book #6 will be out in August!
Thanks again to those of you who’ve taken...
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