Hi friends,

Two more weeks until Searching for Resistance comes out! We’re pretty excited!

Searching for Resistance: Aftermath #5

And for those who like a complete series, the final book #6 will be out in August! 😀

Thanks again to those of you who’ve taken the time to leave a review – here are some of the latest:

Thanks for all your support. You’re the best!


Do you buy in bulk? Be prepared Tip #6

I’ve got six kids, and I rarely buy one can or box of anything at the grocery store. It’s usually a flat or case for me, especially with so many teenage boys fueling their growth and activities. 😀

But even better is to find a source of bulk goods, fifty pound bags of grains, legumes, seeds, etc.

Why do it?

Pros of buying bulk:

  • Cheaper: I pay $25 for a 50# bag of rolled oats which is only $0.50/lb.
  • Healthier: Making meals from bulk food avoids a lot of the additives found in pre-packaged meals.
  • Learn new skills like how to soak and cook beans, use a pressure cooker, and cook new whole food recipes, etc.
  • Food storage for disasters and emergencies that can last years and even decades if stored correctly (I’ll discuss that in another newsletter)

Where to find bulk:

  • Ask around. With social media, it’s much easier to quickly ask a large group of locals where they buy bulk food from.
  • In the Midwest, try CLNF.org, where I get a lot of mine. Group together with others to meet the $400 minimum order, and they’ll deliver it for free via truck.
  • My church has several dedicated non-profit food storage facilities around the country: Providentliving.churchofjesuschrist.org/self-reliance/home-storage-centers
  • Honeyville.com is a great place if you live near the Utah area.

Sorry to my international friends, since I only know places in the United States.

If you have tips for other countries or even great places to get bulk in the states, please send me a note, and I’ll add it to a future newsletter.

How about you? Do you store bulk foods or maintain a different kind of food storage? I’d love to hear!


Misty’s Writing Update:

I forgot how much worldbuilding went into fantasy novels since I’ve been writing in post-apoc lately, and we just use our current world as the setting in those novels.

So my question this week is about races in a fantasy world:

In addition to humans, would you prefer the traditional fantasy races like elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, etc. in a magic academy book with a leveling game-like setting?

Or would you prefer a variety of new humanoids created by the author, a different take on a flying people, underground or digging dwellers, elemental affinity types, etc?

I kind of like both, so I may even do a combo – lol.

Let me know!

Happy reading this week!

— Misty 🙂