Hi friends,

I got some fun ideas back from you about how to include cinnamon in a daily diet, including from Lynne who combines it with chocolate and pumpkin pie spices in her coffee machine.

I don’t drink coffee, but chocolate with cinnamon and pie spices sounds delicious all on it’s own or with a fruity herbal tea. Thanks for the suggestions!

In writing news, I have to say I’m pretty excited by how well this latest venture is going. Not only is it continuing to grow, but I hit two milestones on the same day this week.

Here are a couple of recent comments over on Royal Road about Awakening Horde:

“I like this story. It’s got a great mix of ideas and is both fresh and familiar to me.” – PumaDErik

“This is the best story on RR I’ve read in a while.” – Nonalith

“Very excited to see what is next.” – Winzzy

Cool, right?

My  Royal Road experiment is chugging right along and gaining momentum!

And what are the two very encouraging milestones that both happened on Wednesday?

I reached 100 Patreons who have subscribed to support the new book!

And the same day, my total income for the book since starting this experiment in early September reached $1500!

This is pretty amazing and quite the confidence booster to know that so many readers are willing to chip in a little toward keeping me writing.

I’ve been doing this writing gig for just over four years now and while it has brought in a bit of money here and there, it hasn’t been super encouraging once I divide it out by how many hours I’ve put in.

So, more a labor of love, rather than a possible living wage.

But with this latest book going so well, it might just turn into something that could support full time writing.

So, for any of you who have taken the time to buy a book, write a review, or even just click a rating to boost visibility of one of my books, thanks!

May you enjoy a good book this week and support an author!

— Misty 🙂