Hi friends,

Remember my adult daughter returning from her mission trip?

Well, she is also the cover artist for the 2nd and 3rd book in our Escaping the Virus series.

So, after a way too long delay in getting the paperback versions of the books online, she came to the rescue.

Our breaking news today is that all three books can now be ordered in PRINT for those of you who enjoy holding a book in your hands instead of squinting at an e-reader like me. (I keep having to increase the font as I get older – lol)

Deadly Lockdown Paperback

I hope you enjoy them!

Use your Five Senses to Distract from Anxiety:

Have you ever distracted a distraught toddler by pointing out the color of a bird flying by or asking them about their favorite food?

It turns out distraction is a great tool for anxiety in all ages.

Try this simple technique next time you have racing thoughts or an overwhelming sense of worry or panic.

Pause and turn your attention to your surroundings.

  1. Notice five things you can see around you.
  2. Pay attention to four things you can touch or feel.
  3. Listen for three things you can hear.
  4. Inhale and find two things you can smell.
  5. Pause and notice one thing you can taste.

This exercise engages different parts of your brain in a concrete fashion that allows the anxious, worrying parts to turn off and relax for a bit.

This is a great technique to know even if you aren’t the one with anxiety. Next time you’re trying to calm someone close to you, ask if you can help them by trying this with them.

And don’t worry if you can’t remember the exact number and order of the senses listed above. Just go through each one you can remember and come up with one or two of each.

Try it next time your emotions are feeling a bit out of control and let me know how it works. I’d love to hear. 🙂

May your week be full of peace and contentment – all the best!

— Misty 🙂