Hi friends,

In two days, Deadly Rescue, the final book in our Escaping the Virus trilogy will be out! It’s always a bit bittersweet to finish up a series, though we left a few small threads that could be teased into extending the series in the future.

And since I tell you about all the deals first, Deadly Lockdown will be on sale for 99c all next week to celebrate! We really appreciate your support!

Deadly Lockdown follows Kate and Alisa, two sisters fighting to survive a surge in the fictitious Siberian Flu that makes the world implode around them. We wrote the sisters with real and complex personalities, each with flaws that they work to overcome throughout the series . . .

. . . which kinds of bites us in the butt when a reader wants them to be perfectly capable from the beginning.

Yes, I’m serious. And these readers can get really mad! LOL.

It earned us a couple of scathing 1-star reviews about how Kate and Alisa are “the two stupidest women I have ever read about” and they “have the IQ of a stick.”


Though I had to laugh that people get so intense about a book that’s supposed to be something fun and entertaining.

Thankfully, many of you appreciate characters who develop throughout the series into heroines, instead of starting out that way.

Like these readers:

“Great female characters and honestly rather realistic. Love it.”

“In order to survive they must fight to find the strength they will need, this is a great series and I am anxious to read the third book!”

What you may not know if an angry 1-star review takes four 5-star reviews to make up for it. (think how many A’s in school it takes to make up for a single bad test score)

And since people are far more likely to complain than to compliment, it’s even more than that.

So, do any of you want to inject a little positive into this series?

Counter the grumbling complainers!!

We’d love your reviews!

Review Deadly Lockdown and make Misty smile! 🙂

(On Amazon’s page, just scroll down and look for a button that says “Write a Customer Review” to the left of the other reviews)

Thanks guys! You’re the best!


Misty’s Writing Update:

My big writing news, as already mentioned, is Deadly Rescue coming out on the 19th.

And my awesome co-writer Steph has set up a bunch of promotion services who will send out a notice to their subscribers that Deadly Lockdown is on sale.

It’s funny, but I never realized how much work all this marketing stuff was going to be when I started writing. But I should have expected as much, considering there are complete companies who specialize in advertising and marketing, LOL.

I am looking forward to putting that kind of author work behind me soon and digging back into creating fun worlds and adventures to share with you!

I appreciate your encouragement and support.

Enjoy reading this week!

— Misty 🙂