Hi friends,

I thought you’d enjoy a little insight into the author life in a busy household with a bunch of homeschooled kids. . . though more and more are moving off to start their own lives now. (Which is both exciting and sad)

So I spend a chunk of my day dictating stories onto a laptop in my bathroom.

Yes – I write in front of the window in my master bathroom. Don’t judge. We have a big family and there are two . . . I repeat . . . two doors that separate me from the rest of the family when I’m writing in my bathroom.

Those doors, however, are no challenge at all to the princess and youngest in the house, my 6-year-old. She makes her way in to ask me all important questions the world or to tattle on her brothers every 4 or 5 minutes some mornings, which explains my slow writing speed lately.

However, she also sits and listens to me dictate and even insisted on dictating her letter to her older sister – she’ll speak and I dictate it into my computer for Dragon to transcribe.

So, it was pretty funny when my oldest son called from college to report that the princess had tried to call him on Messenger kids. But when he didn’t answer, she sent him a voice message:

“Hi . . . period . . . Can you call me please . . . question mark”

LOL – She’s already got correct punctuation down for dictation. Watch out, you might be getting a story from her soon!

And thanks for everyone who’s been checking out our new Aftermath series and even better . . . leaving awesome reviews!!

You’re the best! Searching for Allies: Book 4 will come out the end of the month.

Thanks for your support and all the best,

— Misty 🙂


Misty’s Writing Update:

We started the third book in our post-apoc virus series this week! It is a bit of a head-wrench to switch from the main characters we’ve been writing for the last 9 months in the Aftermath series. A sad goodbye to Rita and April . . . though maybe kept accidentally typing their names a few times in the virus books – lol. Tired brains!

But it’s so fun to get back to our old friends who’ve been waiting since 2019 for us to finish their stories! Kate is the older sister new doctor character who is trapped in St. Louis as the second wave of a deadly flu explodes and the major outbreak cities are being locked down. She’s fighting to get home to her younger sister.

Meanwhile, Alisa, back home in small-town Ohio, is dealing with a violent conspiracy that is as deadly as the flu.

So, lots of action, danger and most important, everyday characters who have to fight through their doubts and fears to protect the ones they love.

Right up our alley and hopefully yours.

Have a great week and happy reading!

— Misty 🙂