Hi friends,

I hope 2021 is turning out well for you!

With my husband working from home, I got a chuckle when I saw mostly t-shirts in the laundry instead of the usual long-sleeved button up shirts from pre-pandemic. Sometimes I wonder how many of the pandemic-driven changes will persist when we finally beat this thing.

Speaking of beating things . . . time for another simple self-defense tip.

(Thanks to Dennis, one of my readers, for suggesting this a while ago.)

Your head as a weapon!

When you get right down to it, the front and back of your head are really just hard bone under a thin layer of skin.

This makes a great weapon to use during a close attack like a grab from the front or behind.

How, you ask?


Hit your attacker with your forehead or the back of your head with a sudden and strong strike.

Aim for the nose, lips, teeth and cheekbones to cause sudden pain and an eye-watering response. Hopefully the painful shock will cause your attacker to loosen their grip, so you can break free and run.

To supercharge your defense even more, you can relax for a brief moment beforehand and pretend to give up and submit. Then wait for your attacker’s grab to relax before you strike with as much force as possible.

Really, that’s all there is to it. If you practice striking with your head – make sure you have a well-padded surface so you don’t hurt yourself. And limit practice to a strike or two so you don’t cause your own brain any unintended damage.

I hope you enjoy this technique and feel free to share it with others. Also, if you have any self-defense tips or questions you’d like to see in the newsletter, please send them to me!

Enjoy your weekend!


Misty’s Writing Update:

Steph is in the middle of moving this week and I’m having the not-so-fun task of investigating what could become another chronic medical condition for me.

Funny how life comes along and tries to disrupt all your best-laid plans.

I hope you’re finding ways to overcome any challenges cropping up in your lives.

We’re still squeezing a bit of writing in where we can, enjoying our characters who are always dealing with much worse than we are, right?

At least we have running water, warm bellies and a home with our families. Gotta remember the important things!!

All the best to you out there!

— Misty 🙂