Hi friends,

I’m glad you found the info in the last newsletter useful. Thanks for all of your great responses and suggestions! As part of being prepared, I like to consider all aspects of surviving in a disaster.

And to all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you’re having a wonderful time this week! We are so excited to get to see my son and his new wife – truly something to be grateful for.

Which brings us to the thought I was considering this week – it applies to the stories I write and even to the current troubles the world is facing.

Can you really give thanks in the middle of an apocalypse? A disaster? A pandemic?

And what kind of difference would it make?

For all of us that enjoy apocalyptical and disaster stories, I don’t think it’s the destruction and mayhem we are reading for – though the action sequences can be pretty intense and heart-pounding – but it’s how the characters deal with huge problems and in the end, overcome them.

They fight past their weaknesses, develop their strengths, turn into leaders and unite the people around them . . . all in spite of horrible, apocalyptic events.

The science of the effects of gratitude is expanding as people study how the practice of counting blessing impacts the brain, combats depression, and improves life.

So, maybe we can take a page out of our favorite post-apoc novels and follow the examples of the main characters who . . . in the face of the strongest opposition, find things to be grateful for as they triumph over obstacles.

Just a few thoughts during the week where we celebrate the good . . . and the hard . . . things in life.

A few things on my #GiveThanks list (in no particular order):

  • Good health along with exercise and medication that manage my diabetes.
  • Dark chocolate (in moderation . . . see above)
  • A family to love: marrying my best friend, six children, and unlimited potential for grandchildren.
  • So many good books to read
  • The internet and ability to learn about anything I’m interested in/
  • Opportunity to pursue my dreams of writing.
  • A belief in a Heavenly Father who loves me.
  • and many more . . .

What about you? Maybe take a little time to share your gratitude with someone this week. 🙂

May you enjoy your week and the blessings you have in your life,

— Misty 🙂

p.s. I really enjoyed this encouraging video to #GiveThanks!


Misty’s Writing Update:

I’m just past 30k on my NaNoWriMo goal to write 50k words in a book during the month of November.

But having Thanksgiving right at the end of the month with all it’s entertaining distractions, will ensure I’ll be scrambling to get the last few words in by the deadline.

However, I’ve completed NaNoWriMo for the last two years, and I’m a bit of a sucker for maintaining my streaks, so I’ll make it somehow.

How about you? Anyone trying to reach their own writing goals this month?

If so, I wish you the best of luck.

One of my favorite jokes from school was:

“What do you call the person who graduates last in medical school?”


LOL – it applies to writers too. The only way to fail is to stop writing. 🙂

Happy reading . . . and writing this week,

— Misty 🙂