Funny that we just started plotting out a hurricane/super-storm book series and my phone starts giving me updates on Hurricane Isaias. It’s a little eerie, especially when the pandemic hit just as we were finishing our outline for a viral apocalypse series.

Ummm . . . maybe my next series will be about an author that writes stories . . . only to find them coming true. LOL.

I thought I’d share some of the research I’ve been collecting on how to prepare for hurricanes – and ask for you to chip in with ideas.

Our main characters are in Mississippi – any farmers from there, I’d love to hear what it looks like after a big storm goes through?

Here is a basic list of supplies I came up with for our prepared young farming couple to keep in their storm shelter – what do you think?

  • 3-day supply of shelf stable food and water
  • Baby supplies – diapers and formula
  • First Aid Kit and medicines – prescription and OTC
  • Light – flashlight, LED lantern and extra batteries or crank style
  • Knife, gun and ammunition. For self-defense or survival.
  • Emergency cash
  • Copies of ID, insurance cards, medical records, etc.
  • crank radio, walkie talkies and/or other communication devices
  • bedding and clothing to be comfortable if they have to stay there for days
  • card games or other easy entertainment

What did I miss?

And I plan on running through other storm prep in future newsletters, such as preparing your home and vehicle, so watch for those.

Plus, if you’re lived through a serious storm, I’d love to hear your firsthand account and anything you wish you’d done differently!

Stay safe out there,


Misty’s Writing Update:

Who knew storm science was so cool?!

My medical training isn’t doing much to help me out with our newest storm-based apocalyptic series, so Steph and I are delving into some pretty interesting meteorological science . . . and hoping we can pull it off without making any glaring mistakes. 🙂

We’ve also finally written the last chapters of the sequel to Deadly Lockdown – still named “Book 2” because we haven’t found a title we like. Send me some title suggestions! This one has an escape-based theme, if that helps spark ideas.

Now comes the long task of reading through the entire book, editing for plot and grammar errors, while also fixing and adding anything that we jotted down on our “To-do” list as we were writing the book.

In my opinion, it’s way more fun to write the book than it is to edit it!!

Once we’re done, we’ll send it out to our amazing beta readers for some last fixes.

Our plan is to finish the third book in the series before releasing all of them close together toward the end of the year or start of the new one – our plans have been pushed back a bit by this new publishing opportunity with the storm series.

I appreciate your emails and comments – each one makes me smile. Thank you for all your support!

Happy reading this week,

— Misty 🙂