Hi friends,

I finally figured out Instagram . . . well figured out might be a generous description. 🙂

Because Kiriai, my main character is a teenager, and the Instagram crowd tends to be on the younger side, I’ve been meaning to try posting there and reaching a new set of readers.

So, feel free to follow me and my two whole posts if you have an account:


And since I can post videos there, I was thinking of all kinds of fun karate and self-defense stuff I could do.

What do you think? Would you be interested in seeing me teach short self-defense techniques, breaking boards or I even have a knife set I’m halfway decent at and could make a video of.

I’m taking requests for photos and videos. Just let me know what you’d like to see.

I’m also off to Vegas on Monday–my first ever author’s conference, the 20BooksTo50K conference for independent authors. I’m excited to meet some of these virtual friends I’ve made in the last year.

If any of you are going to be there, please come say Hi!!

Happy reading this week,

— Misty 🙂