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My Blog

Electricity Zaps Pain? Try a TENS unit: Health Tip #3

Hi friends, Pain is a touchy subject. Kidney stone pain and labor pain are two I'm very familiar with. And just this week I had this 5mm sucker followed by a bunch of baby stones stuck inside me: As many of you know, I always try alternative health ideas before going...

Got Cold Sores? Grab Vodka and Lemon Balm. Herbal Tip #3

Hi friends, So Covid finally hit us, but thankfully only a mild version! While I was in Utah, my teenage son had two friends over for his birthday, only to find out that one boy's father felt bad that evening and eventually both the father, the son and then one of my...

Defend yourself by being rude? Self-defense Tip #17

Hi friends, Wow! I'm loving being a grandma, but I kind of forgot how tiring the interrupted sleep thing is. LOL. Turns out sleep math is strange. 2 hours of sleep plus 3 hours of sleep plus another 3 hours is NOT the same as 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a row!...

Do you know what an irrigation syringe is? Health Tip #2

Hi friends, No, no baby yet, as I'm writing this on Monday - the due date! . . . we are just the teensiest bit impatient, but happy to wait for labor to start naturally, so baby has the best chance. I'll add a little note here if the baby comes before this newsletter...