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My Blog

Don’t put your keys between your fingers! Self-defense Tip #18

Hi friends, I hope the new year is treating you well and anyone sick or with illness in the family recovers quickly! And a quick note: if you'd like Amazon to let you know when my new books come out - go here and click the "Follow" button under my name. Misty Zaugg...

Cheap or free 5-gallon buckets? Be prepared Tip #8

Hi friends, If you're setting new goals for the year and want to include food storage on that list, you'll likely need a bunch of 5-gallon buckets. They are an essential part of storage - both food and items. They are critical if you are storing things in a basement...

Last Day! Grab your Huge Post-Apoc Christmas E-Magazine – Free.

Last Day! Grab your Huge Post-Apoc Christmas E-Magazine – Free.

Hi friends, Sometimes there's a bit of a downer after the holidays. For us here, there were a few tears shed as we dropped off my oldest and his small family (including my granddaughter) at the airport so they could return home. We miss them already!! And then I spent...

Merry Christmas! Plus my easy Peppermint Fudge Recipe :)

Merry Christmas! Plus my easy Peppermint Fudge Recipe 🙂

Hi friends, Merry Christmas! I already have the best Christmas present: my granddaughter is here visiting! Oh, and both her parents too. 😀 I hope you are surrounded by family and friends this holiday season, too. For a fun treat, I thought I'd share our favorite...

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for your Favorite Prepper!

Hi friends, I hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday season. And for anyone who didn't pick up a free copy of our 20-plus post-apoc author e-magazine last week, it's still available - Our Christmas gift to our readers. Enjoy! Once Upon an Apocalypse...