My Blog
Don’t put your keys between your fingers! Self-defense Tip #18
Hi friends, I hope the new year is treating you well and anyone sick or with illness in the family recovers quickly! And a quick note: if you'd like Amazon to let you know when my new books come out - go here and click the "Follow" button under my name. Misty Zaugg...
Cheap or free 5-gallon buckets? Be prepared Tip #8
Hi friends, If you're setting new goals for the year and want to include food storage on that list, you'll likely need a bunch of 5-gallon buckets. They are an essential part of storage - both food and items. They are critical if you are storing things in a basement...
Last Day! Grab your Huge Post-Apoc Christmas E-Magazine – Free.
Hi friends, Sometimes there's a bit of a downer after the holidays. For us here, there were a few tears shed as we dropped off my oldest and his small family (including my granddaughter) at the airport so they could return home. We miss them already!! And then I spent...
Merry Christmas! Plus my easy Peppermint Fudge Recipe 🙂
Hi friends, Merry Christmas! I already have the best Christmas present: my granddaughter is here visiting! Oh, and both her parents too. 😀 I hope you are surrounded by family and friends this holiday season, too. For a fun treat, I thought I'd share our favorite...
Stocking Stuffer Ideas for your Favorite Prepper!
Hi friends, I hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday season. And for anyone who didn't pick up a free copy of our 20-plus post-apoc author e-magazine last week, it's still available - Our Christmas gift to our readers. Enjoy! Once Upon an Apocalypse...
Our Gift to you: Huge Post-Apoc Christmas E-Magazine: Free to enjoy. 🙂
Hi friends, First, I'd like to thank all of you who sent prayers and well-wishes for my recovery from kidney stone surgery. Things have improved every day, and it's really uplifting to hear from all of you, so thanks again! And my second bit of good news — and the...