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My Blog

What did juicing do to my blood sugar and weight? Health Tip #9

Hi friends, Whew! I can eat again! And good news is any food seems and tastes like a treat. This really helps with the pleasure eating and makes healthier foods easier to choose over junk food. 🙂 Thanks to all of you who shared your fasting journeys with me. I loved...

What do you think about a juice fast? Health Tip #8

Hi friends, First of all, I hope those of you who picked up the boxsets for the 6-book Aftermath series Steph and I wrote last year are enjoying the stories! We had a great time writing them! If you missed the email last week, our publisher still has them at 99c each!...

I finally got Covid. I thought I’d share how it went . . .

Hi friends, This is a weak-ish hello from the nest of pillows I've spent most of this week curled up in. With multiple friends having covid, I was exposed on Saturday morning. Most everyone had been reported mild-ish symptoms. By Tuesday, my 7-year-old and I, feeling...