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My Blog

How to predict (and avoid) a violent attack – Part 2

Hi friends, Your votes for favorite Dystopia series were about tied between Hunger Games (27 votes) and Divergent (23 votes) with an almost four-way tie between Red Rising (9), The 5th Wave (9), Lunar Chronicles (10) and The Selection (9). Hopefully that gives you a...

The Best Dystopian Series Ever? Which is Yours?

Hi Friends, I know you're dying to know . . . the 4-year-old traveled like a champ without problems on our cross-country trip. And the new college freshman is a little wobbly emotionally, but settling in better each day. And the cliffhanger survey? (Back pats all...

Cliffhangers – Yes or Absolutely Not!

Hi Friends, I was thinking about cliffhangers as our vacation is ending with a bang. Will the 4-year-old stop throwing up in time for our two-day drive home starting tomorrow morning? Ugh! Will Brooke settle in to college life, make friends and enjoy her freshman...

Windmills, Berries and Family – an Author’s Vacation.

Windmills, Berries and Family – an Author’s Vacation.

Hi Friends, I thought I'd try something fun today, since we're on vacation. How to take your oldest daughter to college: Step 1: Pack up a minivan with a family of 7, plus a stuffed car topper full of college gear (ie. clothes, make-up, shoes, art supplies, etc..)...

Who knew Sci-Fi had so many genres? Which is your favorite?

Hi Friends, Have you ever stared at a menu unable to pick something because it all sounds good? I feel that way looking at all the sci-fi sub-genres. If you have a second, I'd love to get to know what all of you like - leave a comment below. If you could only pick one...