Hi friends,
We are loving our whirlwind two-week trip visiting both sides of our huge families. Between my husband and I, we have fourteen siblings, most of whom are married and have kids. So you can imagine how crazy it is to try to see all of them in a couple of weeks.
We have amazing extended family who’ve fed all six of us and let us invade their homes and visit. By the time we finish our trip, we’ll have stayed in four different homes, one campsite and a Wyoming cabin.
Check out the good and the bad of our trip so far. Maybe you’ve had similar experiences on your family vacations.
The Bad
- A retread tire flew off a semi-truck in front of us and hit our car. Thankfully, it only knocked off a small piece of chrome and left a little dent in the hood.
- A 7-year-old nephew landed on my pinky toe and broke it. No biggie though, because it healed quickly.
- My 14-year-old teenage son got into the car with shoes on, and somehow, by the time we got to our next destination, they were gone, nowhere to be found. This is the third time over the years we’ve had to buy new shoes for him on vacation. LOL.
- Lack of sleep and lots of miles on the car.
The Good
- Seeing the gummy, no-teeth smile of my granddaughter and watching her take her first steps.
- I loved watching my 20-year-old daughter reconnect with family after her 18-month mission trip.
- We picked blackberries with an aunt and spent a day bottling 40 jars of yummy jam.

Homemade blackberry jam is the best!
- We joined Grandma with close to thirty grandkids to visit Thanksgiving Point with beautiful gardens and museums.
- We sat snipping and snapping freshly picked green beans with Grandma.
- We all visited Grandpa in the care home, working toward finding peace with his declining condition.
- We spent a couple hours enjoying an ice skating rink where my daughter broke in her new ice skates and helped her little sister learn to skate.
- We’re looking forward to relaxing in the outdoors this weekend in Wyoming before we start the long two days of driving home.
I hope you’re having a great month and I love hearing how life is going for you!
My next author update will finally include new progress on my writing.
All the best!
— Misty 🙂
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