Hi friends,
It was great to hear from those of you who lived in Nebraska! I’ll be thinking of you next weekend when we make the drive back.
The family trip is going really well and my daughter who just returned from her 18-month mission trip has really enjoyed reconnecting with all her extended family again – especially . . . her niece! (Otherwise known as my most adorable granddaughter in the world.)

It’s really so much fun to have a big family! Though, as those of you who are also a bit introverted will understand, I am finding it difficult to find some quiet alone time to recharge. Thankfully, I can hide and read a little before bed most evenings.
My prepper tip today comes from Grandma Zaugg, my mother-in-law, and the morning she took me to pick produce at her small patch of farm.
As she got out of the car that morning, she reached back inside and began pulling on a long-sleeved shirt. I gave her a questioning look, and she explained that she needed to wear them or her arms would itch terribly after picking veggies.
My first thought as I watched her? That’s interesting, but I don’t really need long sleeves.
I was wrong. LOL.
I really should have copied her, because by the end of reaching deep into squash, green bean, tomato and berry plants, my arms began to itch. As we finished up, the itching got worse. When I looked down at my inner arms, I saw them flushing red with fine scratches everywhere.
Oops! I washed them off with cool water and then rubbed hydrocortisone cream up and down. It took another half hour before they finally stopped itching.
So my prepper tips for the day?
1. Find friends and family with experience and learn from them.
2. Be humble enough to listen to advice.
What about you? Have you learned valuable skills and/or information from those around you?
I hope your preparations for the future are coming along well.
All the best!
— Misty 🙂
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