Hi friends,
Thanks so much for your feedback on how you’re enjoying our Escaping the Virus series! The books are 99c each for a couple more days before going back to full price. Enjoy! 😀
Since we authors often sit alone at a computer wondering if anyone is reading our stuff, we love hearing back from you. Here are some of my favorite recent Amazon reviews (keep them coming!!):
Jon: “This book is one heck of a good start for this series, I really like the characters, the story line is frightening yet very believable. I’m looking forward to reading the next book.”
Elizabeth: Holds you on the edge of suspense! . . . it is a griping read that keeps pulling you back. I recommend this book to anyone who loves thrillers.”
Interestingly enough, Steph and I started this series in 2019, choosing a virus as the apocalyptic event because I’m an M.D. and figured I could make it believable.
Little did we know. Sheesh!!
We finished the trilogy in 2021, having put it aside because it felt it was too close to covid.
But it turns out that reading how fictional characters triumph over something close to our own experiences can be cathartic for some. We are so you’re enjoying it. 🙂

A deadly illness. Panicked lockdown. And two sisters who’ll stop at nothing to save each other.
Escaping the Virus Trilogy – 99c Each – Two Days Left!
For friends in the UK, too!
And finally, here’s a fun preparedness tip for the day:
Dryer lint and Vasoline make for amazing fire starters!
Be prepared Tip #13
These are fast and cheap fire starting preps you can add to your bug-out-bags, car emergency kits, camping kits, etc.
Dryer Lint
- Leave a handful of zip-lock bags on your dryer and collect the lint.
- Compact it down by sucking out the air. A lot will pack into each bag.
- When a bag is full, add it to your various emergency kits in storage, BOBs, cars, etc.
- Consider bagging together with a means to generate a spark, like a firesteel, flint & steel, small magnifying glass, etc.
- Dryer lint catches very quickly, though you need to be ready with kindling and a fire setup to take advantage of the flame before it burns out.
- Storage: If kept dry, this should last indefinitely.
Vaseline and Cotton Balls
- Saturate a few cotton balls thoroughly with petroleum jelly.
- Pack them into a small baggie, empty pill bottle, etc. and add to your fire-starting kit.
- These may be a little harder to catch, a flame from a match or lighter is easier than sparks, but the nice thing is, they will burn for quite a while. This gives the novice fire builder time to fix a few mistakes before the fire goes out.
- Storage: If kept dry and cool, these should last many years. They may eventually turn rancid, but should still catch on fire.
What kind of simple things do you store and use for fire starting kits? I always love new ideas!
Stay safe and prepared out there!
Misty’s Writing Update:
First, an update on the cover saga for my new litrpg book:
After my long list of concerns and revisions, the design company was pretty good about bringing in a few others to take a look at the project.
I also had my photoshop-savvy teenage son help me make a mock-up. This should hopefully get the concept across better than just words.
In addition, I went back to the best-selling litrpg books on Amazon and picked out another three covers as examples of what I’m looking for.
They said they’re confident they can do it, so fingers crossed!
As for writing . . . still none of that done this week for the second week in a row.
I’m getting a little antsy.
Why no writing?
Well the week-long sale of our Escaping the Virus series finally gave me the kick in the pants to take a serious look at our advertising. I pretty much went back to school this week, going through a detailed course on Amazon ads. I really dug into the interface and learned what are best practices to get the most bang for our advertising buck.
Mostly, we wanted to get a few more ads up while the series is on sale and doing well.
And it’s doing well due to you awesome readers! Thanks so much for spreading the word about the sale and sharing the series link: https://books.to/Fk5GE
Word of mouth is so much more effective than paid advertising, so thanks!
Hopefully, I’ll finally be back to writing again next week!! I can’t wait! 🙂
Enjoy reading this week!
— Misty 🙂
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