Hi friends,
First, for those of you who haven’t had a chance to read our Escaping the Virus trilogy, we’re putting it on sale next week for the first time since launch. Each book is 99c starting on Monday, so grab all three for $2.99.

Escaping the Virus Trilogy – 99c Each Starting Monday!
And we made sure to discount the trilogy for our friends in the UK, too!
And finally, some grandbaby news! If you couldn’t guess, yes, she definitely took first place over writing this week!

I took a plane trip to visit my son, his wife and my gorgeous granddaughter. The weather even cooperated so we could take walks, go on hikes and generally have a fun time together.
All week, I’d look over at her, and she’d be staring at me with these intense, happy eyes, just waiting for me to notice her. Then she’d give me a wide, goofy grin when she caught my attention. Talk about heart-melting!
I’m really going to miss her when I head back home. Thankfully, video calling is much easier than it used to be, and has the added benefit of protecting me from spit up.
It won’t be the quite the same, but my whole family will be heading back out for another visit this summer, so I should be able to last without holding her until then.
I hope wherever you are, you are blessed to have family near!
Misty’s Writing Update:
It turns out that a week of hanging out with family and a gorgeous, fun granddaughter is great for generating story ideas.
I didn’t do any writing, but ideas kept popping in my head, especially just as I was falling asleep. The hard part is taking a moment to note the ideas down so I haven’t forgotten them come morning.
So, now I’ve got some great ideas for mapping the book 2 in my litrpg series.
I also got the first draft of my cover back, but I was pretty disappointed in the artwork.
I’m trying to decide if I should just go with someone else, or if I make a long, laundry list of things to fix, when I’m not confident that the final product will be satisfactory.
I don’t want to have an artist spend a lot of time working on it, only to not be happy with it at the end and waste both of our time. Sigh. I’m still not sure what to do, especially with how important the cover is.
Despite the old adage, we all judge a book by its cover.
This kind of stuff is an important part of the business side of author work that can be both fun and sometimes frustrating.
I’m sure it will eventually work out well, though. I’ll keep you updated!
Enjoy reading this week!
— Misty
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