Hi friends,

I hope April is treating you well. And to everyone who celebrates Easter, may you have an enjoyable holiday with your loved ones!

Right now, I’m missing the half of my kids that had the audacity to grow up, become adults and move way too far away.

Not to mention the ones who have my completely adorable granddaughter!! 🙂 Guess I need to get some plane tickets soon to visit.

Well, on to today’s fun topic. One that many people who focus on preparing food, fuel and shelter for emergencies might overlook.

Vitamins in your Emergency Storage – Be prepared Tip #12

Now, just to start off, many vitamin deficiencies can take months or even years to show up. So for any short term emergency this wouldn’t be too important.

Plus, if you’re storing food that is supplemented with vitamins, you may also be perfectly fine.

On the other hand, many storage foods are often lacking in Vitamin C or A, both of which usually come from eating fresh fruits and vegetables, which may be lacking in a long term emergency.

Since quality vitamins are relatively inexpensive and a little goes a long way, what is a good all-around recommendation of what to store?

  1. Pure ascorbic acid powder that you can divide up into other empty pill/vitamin bottles to keep it dark and dry. By storing the pure powder, this Vit C supplement won’t have fillers to interact with, thereby increasing its shelf life.
  2. A general multivitamin in pill form that includes Vit A. Solid pills kept dark, dry and cool will last much longer than their expiration date: up to 10 years instead of the usually listed 2 years.

Note: Gummy/chewy vitamins or supplements like probiotics will have a much shorter shelf live.

A small sealed box or bag is perfect to store your bottles of vitamin. Make sure to store them somewhere dark, dry and cool, like the bottom of a supply tote in your basement.

Plus, there are other creative ways to get your vitamins in an extended emergency, including sprouting some of your wheat or special sprouting seeds. Rosehips, a fruity addition to herbal teas, can also be an easy way to forage locally for Vitamin C.

What about you? Do you have vitamins in your emergency supplies? Any tips?

Good luck with getting prepared out there!


Misty’s Writing Update:

Four more hours of grumblediting today and there are still a handful of line items on my list to fix in this humungous book 1. I’m creeping ever closer to 180K in length (600-700 pages) Eeek!

Part of me enjoys the polishing, but another part is always impatient during this part of the process.

I did finally start working on the form to submit to the cover designer I’m using. They are asking me to pick two covers that are good examples of what I’d like.

If any of you like to read litrpg, I’d love a link to a book whose cover caught your eye.

Litrpg still doesn’t have an official category page on Amazon, but the Sci-fi and Gaming category has a bunch of books there.


See any covers that stand out to you?

Despite the business-y work I’m doing now, I’m already giving some thought to what fun adventures I want to include when I outline book 2. Fun times!

Thanks for all you do to support my writing. You’re the best!

Enjoy reading this week!

— Misty 🙂