Hi friends,
I loved all the emails I got from you about the wild creatures you share your space with. The list was huge and some were a bit scary, like the alligator one of you had to shoo out of your yard. Eek!
Even better, a handful of you sent in some great, and some funny pics. So, I thought I’d share them with you since I enjoyed them so much myself.
Living on an island off the coast of Washington, Karen gets deer, coyote, rabbits, eagles and lots of raccoons. Check out this beautiful shot of a racoon that enjoys helping itself to the plums on her tree in the backyard:

Cherie has everything from wild turkeys to eagles perched in the tree hunting. She even included a pic of her crew of wonderful pets:

Eutre, from my own Michigan sent in some great pics, including one of her cat who “fancies herself a hunter” when finding a deer in the back:

And finally, Barbara shared a startling and fun photo of a deer coming up to say hello on her deck amidst chairs and flowers as well as a fox chilling out in the yard:

Thank you all for sharing just a bit of the wildlife around you with us!
Misty’s Writing Update:
Ok, it turns out I don’t have to go far to come up with some crazy monster ideas . . . just check out the stuff that lives here on earth with us.
Remember my rat to dragon idea?
Well, I decided to go with a mole to start, figuring it could unlock some sneaky stealth skills that would come in handy for my main character who is at the bottom of the social ladder in the mage academy.
A pet that can sneak around without being seen or burrow to hide and spy would come in handy.
So, I went looking for pics of moles to get ideas, and ran across something called a star-nosed mole.
Wow! That’s all I can say. Go take a look for yourself, and you’ll see what I mean.
It has a flared, pink nose surrounded by a bunch of octopus-type tentacles that it uses to navigate tunnels by touch. Really strange and creepy looking, which is perfect for a monster in my book.
I just added a few scales instead of fur, to give it a reptilian flare (and keep the possible dragon-ish metamorphism open for the future) plus a tail with a knob that can used as a weapon and ta-da – new fantasy monster!
And it’s a baby one, so though strange, it is oddly cute. LOL. Writing fantasy can be really fun!
Enjoy reading this week!
— Misty 🙂
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