Hi friends,
No, no baby yet, as I’m writing this on Monday – the due date!
. . . we are just the teensiest bit impatient, but happy to wait for labor to start naturally, so baby has the best chance.
I’ll add a little note here if the baby comes before this newsletter goes out on Friday . . .
And thanks for the awesome grandma name suggestions!! It was so fun to hear from all of you and read some very interesting and fun family stories about grandmothers and their names!
The name with the most votes was . . .
. . . Grandma Misty!
However, followed very closely by a version of Nanna or Nana Misty, too, since it’s easy for young grandchildren to say.
I may just see what my granddaughter calls me, because there were a lot of stories of fun names given by the kids themselves including Big Mama, Gee, and even Banana! LOL.
Whatever she calls me, I’m just going to be happy to hold her!
And here’s a quick tip for your first aid supplies:
Health Tip #2
An irrigation syringe:
A simple, useful addition to your first aid kit!
Speaking of babies, you know the syringes you use to give them liquid medicine?
Or the plastic syringes with a small curved tip you might get to keep a tooth extraction site rinsed out?
Don’t throw those away.
Add them to your first aid kit, and they will come in very handy next time you try to rinse out a bleeding cut or dirty wound, especially ones full of dirt or road gravel.
Fill the syringe with clean water (or DIY saline solution by adding a bit of salt – it doesn’t sting like plain water) and then repeatedly spray the wound with a gently stream to remove any foreign matter before gooping it up with some antibiotic and/or herbal ointment and applying a bandage.
If you don’t have one lying around, a dosing syringe can be found in drug stores, usually near the thermometer and pill boxes. Or go online and search for “irrigation syringe”.

They shouldn’t cost more than a few dollars and have multiple handy uses in a first aid kit. (I even use a curved tip one while traveling as a manual water pic to keep hard-to-reach crowns clean)
Simple and handy!
Well, I’m off for another check that we have everything needed in the baby bag . . . thanks again for all the wonderful Grandma suggestions! I’ll keep you updated on the grandbaby!
Misty’s Writing Update:
With all this baby-waiting, you would think I could just kick out the words. LOL.
Somehow there seems to always be something to do even being away from home. But when my daughter-in-law takes a nap, then I pound out a handful of story words.
I got two chapters done this week, so we’ll see how the next week goes.
And shhh . . . don’t say anything, but I may have stayed up late a few nights in a row, just reading and reading and . . . 😀
I hope you find some fun reading to enjoy this week!
— Misty 🙂
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