Hi friends,
We said goodbye to our third this week as he left on a two-year, self-funded mission trip for our church.

There were more than a few tears at the airport as we said goodbye, particularly the six-year-old who doesn’t like change. As we drove away, she tearfully insisted that she wanted him to be 17 again . . . so he wouldn’t be leaving yet. 🙁
I can’t believe I’ve sent three adults off into the world now. The house feels a bit empty with only three kids left at home. 🙂
And, thanks again, for your tips on staying connected with adult children. Using social media and scheduling virtual visits on the calendar were two of my favorites.
Back hammer fist: Self-Defense Tip #16
This is one of my favorite moves to teach in a self-defense seminar, because if you can swing your arms while walking, you already know how to do this move.
Basically, you clench your fist and then swing it swiftly down and back to hit an attacker’s groin or inner leg.
It works best against a rear grab where the attacker has pinned your arms and thinks you can no longer use them to fight back.
- Take a small step to the side with your left foot (if you’re left-handed, flip these instructions). This puts your opponent’s groin directly behind your right arm and hand.
- Close your right fist and swing down with a fast, hard blow, like you’re trying to drive a hammer into his groin or thigh = thus the name: hammer fist.
- Simultaneously yell or make noise to attract attention and help yourself hit harder.
- Hopefully the sudden pain causes the attacker to let go.
- Get out of there, fast.
- If you’re still not free, try using a head butt with the back of your head, a back elbow strike, or a hard stomp to the top of their foot. (These have been mentioned in previous newsletters)
Your goal is to cause as much pain as fast as possible until you’re free and can escape.
Practice: Have a friend hold up an old couch cushion or a rolled up sleeping bag and stand directly behind you. Practice the step to the side, followed by the strike and yell. Repeat until you feel confident.
Then try with a friend grabbing you strongly from behind. Practice again, but don’t actually hit your friend. This is to train yourself not to panic when being grabbed and to instinctively fight back with an effective move.
Good luck and stay safe out there!
Misty’s Writing Update:
Remember last week I was going to try writing more than one first chapters of my new litrpg series?
I wrote chapter one . . . and then chapter two . . . and then started chapter three.
I don’t know if I want to try a different chapter one, because I like the one I came up with.
But I think I’ll still force myself to do it, as an experiment, anyway.
Then my plan is to have my teenage boys and my husband (who all love reading Brandon Sanderson) read the two and give me a verdict.
Stay tuned!
In other writing news, Deadly Rescue, the third and final book in our Escaping the Virus trilogy is almost here. Ten more days!!
Steph and I are pretty excited about how well the series has done. You’re the best readers, especially those of you who took the extra time to post a review!
You’re the best!
— Misty 🙂
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