Hi friends,
Just letting you know that today is the last day Searching for Shelter will be $0.99.
And thank you so much for your reviews already coming in!!
Debra on Amazon: “Awesome characters and plenty of action. The hurricane situation definitely terrifying and the struggles of the survivors is gut wrenching. Can’t wait until the next book”
Jeannie on Amazon: “Absolutely a great read. straight to the point. This is my kind of story.”
Rosemary on Amazon: “The riveting new survivalist drama . . . Get it now – and be warned, you may need to stock up your safe-room – just in case!

$0.99 Sale on Amazon. FREE on KU!
And if you’d like an intro to the story, grab the FREE prequel:
Searching for Redemption: Two mothers caught up in a calamitous pair of storms, fighting and sacrificing for what they love the most. FREE Ebook – and you’ll get newsletters from my co-author, Stephanie Mylchreest.
Your support and kind reviews mean a lot to both of us as we are still pretty new authors – so thanks!!
Misty’s Writing Update:
Searching for Resistance: Book Five of Aftermath! We just got started on the next to the last book in the series – mapping out all the conflicts between the various groups in our post-apoc world.
It’s a fun mix of power-hungry groups taking control because they think they know what’s in everyone’s best interest as opposed to those who object to the loss of their freedom.
With Steph’s move and my surgery finally done, we’re excited to get back into the thick of writing.
How about you? How is the start of 2021 going for you? I hope you’re able to feel a bit more stable than last year.
And I’m making a list for upcoming newsletter topics. I’d love to hear which topics most interest you in my various areas on knowledge: self-defense, herbs, medicine, preparedness, mental health and survival skills.
Or feel free to send me an “Ask Misty” question and I’ll give a stab at answering.
Enjoy reading this week!
— Misty 🙂
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