Hi friends,
This is short today, since I’m a bit loopy on pain meds . . . which I am very grateful for!
That and modern medicine that was able to use a scope and a laser to blast all my kidney stones into dust, including the 14 mm behemoth inside one of my kidneys.
It still makes me shake my head that such a small thing can be such a huge problem.
So, after having six kids and multiple kidney stones, guess which question keeps cropping up lately?
Which is more painful? Kidney stones or giving birth?
Giving birth: I’ve used hypnosis for most of them and while there were plenty of intensely painful periods, in general, you get a break between contractions and there is an end in sight.
Kidney stones: Just plain ol’ intense pain that may or may not subside occasionally to give you a break and can last for weeks while waiting for them to pass, before getting a surgery that leaves you in more pain than before.
So, in short, I think Kidney stones are more painful for longer and with few breaks.
But it’s totally relative, and everyone’s experiences are different.
Hopefully by next week, I’ll be back on my feet and back to writing fun adventures.
Thanks for all your well wishes!
— Misty
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