Hi friends,
Covid-19 has made this such a crazy year, and this made for a very interesting Halloween.
I thought I’d just share some fun pics and stories of what our awesome Midwest neighborhood did to ensure that the kids could still participate in their favorite Halloween traditions.

With sanitizer, gloves and a lit chute, this neighbor sent treats pouring down into the children’s buckets with a smile (behind the mask)

Mr. Skeleton holding a cookie sheet piled with candy came gliding down the driveway on a skateboard to share his treats. Kids watched with wide-open mouths. 🙂

A full-sized delivery system send treats rocketing down into bags with extra speed.
How about those of you who celebrate Halloween? Any interesting stories from this year? I hope you had an enjoyable holiday despite the current troubles.
All the best!
Misty’s Writing Update:
Kicking out 20K+ words a week to write book 2 in five weeks was a bit overwhelming for both Steph and I.
I’m sure plenty of you have experience with biting off a bit more than you can chew on a big task.
As you’ve probably learned to do, we are reassessing and tweaking our schedule. We’re writing 6 chapters a week instead of 8 and hope it will be a more manageable fit with the rest of our busy lives.
And if you’ve always wanted to write a book yourselves, join me and whole host of others around the world by joining NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month! The goal is to write 50k words in the month of November.
This is my third year, and it was just the kick in the pants I needed two years ago to keep up my daily writing schedule.
And my 13-year-old son did it with me two years ago, so it’s not impossible – give it a try! 🙂
If you join, add me as a buddy – I’d love to share writing encouragement! 🙂
Happy reading this week,
— Misty 🙂
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