Hi ,

So, I just started writing Combat Shift, Book 5 yesterday and have villains on the mind.

The strongest hero’s story can fall kind of flat without a good opponent to make her/him sweat and occasionally give a sneak peak of death and disaster.

But, then there are the villains that you love to hate, ones with some kind of redeeming value that almost makes you wish they were the hero instead.

I went looking and found this list of seven villain types and wanted to ask what you thought. Check out the list and comment with your favorite. You just might see your favorite pop up in Combat Shift. 🙂

Oh, and feel free to mention the name of your favorite villain or let me know if I missed a type you’re fond of.


  • Mustache Twirler – over-the-top villain hounding the hero
  • Ancient Evil – item (Pandora’s Box) or character (genie) that should have been left alone.
  • Bully – Uses strength and power to be nasty
  • Mastermind – clever and always one step ahead of the hero
  • Dark Lord – an evil contemporary of the hero
  • Mirror – even in brains and brawn, but morals don’t match
  • Someone Else’s Hero – fighting for a cause against the hero’s

Writing Update

So, I got invited to set up a table at my library’s local author event.


Suddenly, I’m remembering how much I idolized the authors of my favorite books as a kid. Maybe I can inspire another kid to pick up a book, or even better . . . write one!

I’ll try to remember and take a picture. 🙂

Thank you for all your support and emails! I love hearing from you.

Happy reading this week,

— Misty 🙂