Hi Friends,
I thought I’d try something fun today, since we’re on vacation.
How to take your oldest daughter to college:
Step 1: Pack up a minivan with a family of 7, plus a stuffed car topper full of college gear (ie. clothes, make-up, shoes, art supplies, etc..)
Step 2: Drive 2 days across country. Get lost on roads the GPS calls, “Unnamed Road”

Step 3: Roll down the window to catch a pic of an unexpected beauty while leaving said “unnamed roads”.

Step 4: Arrive into a crowd of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, plus a largish garden or smallish farm with humongous berries. Snap pics of college-bound daughter learning jam making from grandma. Eat said jam and try not to moan in pleasure.

Step 5: Write a newsletter five days before the college drop-off date and pretend it’s a few years away still before you have to say goodbye.
Step 6: To be continued . . .
Don’t you love how life keeps moving on, filled with beautiful experiences and bittersweet ones?
My Writing Update:
How much writing would you get done managing a cross country trip with a family of seven? 😀
It’s amazing what you can squeeze in with a laptop and a wifi connection!
My done/to-do list:
- Finished final edits of Combat Mind, Book 2, to get ready for Sept. 1st.
- Sent out review copies of Combat Mind.
- Edited a short story that got picked for an amazing anthology. It should be live by next week.
- Almost finished writing this newsletter. . .
- I would still like to do some more outlining of Combat Shift – Book 5 – but we’ll see.
I’m really enjoying visiting my extended family including staying up to 2 a.m. chatting with my brother last night.
My BAFF (best author friend forever) and also a homeschool mom, Stephanie, lives on the other side of the world from me.
She just teamed up with a few promotion sites to offer her first book for free (normally $4.99) today and maybe tomorrow, depending on your time zone. Click the image to grab a copy and feel free to share the deal.
Greenhouse by Stephanie Mylchreest
If you want to die…
…there’s no place like home.
Chris is impulsive. He never looks before he leaps. Then he meets Delphine, tenacious, beautiful, and deaf. She makes a shocking, heretical claim…
The floods which destroyed civilization hundreds of years ago will come again.
Well, I’m off to mediate cousin fun, which usually includes a few dust-ups. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
— Misty 😀
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